Singing Guide: George Benson

Singing Guide: George Benson

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

George Benson is a legendary jazz guitarist and vocalist renowned for his incredible voice and unique singing style. His smooth and soulful sound is characterized by his impeccable phrasing, impressive range, and use of scatting and improvisation.

To learn to sing like George Benson, it's important to focus on several key elements, including breath control, phrasing, dynamics, and scatting. In addition, understanding the structure and harmony of jazz music can help you to develop a more authentic and nuanced sound.

Breathing and Phrasing:

Benson's singing is notable for his use of long, flowing phrases and effortless breath control. To achieve a similar effect, it's critical to practice breathing exercises regularly and learn how to breathe from the diaphragm. You can find useful breathing exercises and warm-up routines in the Singing Carrots pitch training tool and the Farinelli breathing exercise video.


Another key element of Benson's vocal style is his use of dynamics. He often starts a phrase softly and gradually builds to a climax, showcasing his impressive range and control. Working on your breathing and phrasing will also help you develop greater control over your dynamics, but you may also benefit from exploring Singing Carrots resources on resonance and voice projection.

Scatting and Improvisation:

One of Benson's trademarks is his use of scatting and improvisation to add a unique flavor to his vocals. If you're new to scatting, the Singing Carrots vocal pitch monitor can be a great tool to help train your ear and develop your rhythmic skills. You can also find more advanced resources on contemporary vocal techniques, including heavy modal, twang, and belting, which can also be useful for creating a similar style to Benson.

Song Choices:

Finally, it's important to choose appropriate songs to showcase your newfound vocal talents. Benson's extensive discography contains many classic examples of his unique style, including "This Masquerade," "Give Me the Night," and "Breezin'." To find similar songs that suit your vocal range, use Singing Carrots' search tool, which allows you to search for songs by genre, range, and difficulty level.

By practicing these techniques and exploring the Singing Carrots resources available, you will be well on your way to singing like the legendary George Benson himself.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.